Monday, July 6, 2009


Some people miss home when they go somewhere. Maybe they miss there mom or dad. Maybe there afraid of the house or place there at but there are ways that can help.If you are going to a slumber party then ask if you can be picked up before bed time. If its not a slumber party then just ask your friend if they could come to your house instead. And never try to tough it out.
By T & H

Pirates 1 curse of the black pearl,pirates 2 dead mans chest,pirates 3 worlds end, and now pirates 4 fountain of youth! That's right jack is back along with Geoffrey Rush. The information i have is that its premiering in Disneyland sometime in 2010. Probably in summer or fall! When I get any information i will put it on for you to see! Until then arr!

By T

Friday, April 24, 2009


Our little brothers,they Are the worst crashers on earth!! Our even the universe. I doubt they're even human. They are so annoying. My little bro' loves to say "hey ho" and waves his hands in the air. He did that when we were in P.E and got our whole class in trouble. Last night this guy was jogging so they decided to jog with him. When they were half way down the street "T" said
'I bet he is a cereal killer." Then a firework went off so they ran back to us. Me and "T" were laughing so hard. Know you know a little bit about our beasts of brothers. Bye Bye
By H

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Great Family
My great grandma is 86 years old.She might not be the smartest cookie in the jar but I'd take a bite any time.I love to hear some of the stories she tells about her life.Shes married to a great great grandpa.He has this dog named Duffy.Duffy has the flattest face you could ever lay eyes on.Then comes my grandma Joy. She spoils me and my little bro to death, but that's okay we enjoy it and we enjoy her coming to our house 3 days a week:-)Then comes my parents. Even though there is some disagreements every now and again there awesome and fun.I couldn't ask for a better family.
By T

Friday, April 10, 2009

Johnny Depp
Up And Coming

Where has Depp been? Whats he up to? Well, the answer is making movies. He's making about five movies! Those movies include Tim Burton's remake of Alice in Wonderland, The Lone Ranger, Songebob Squarepants, and Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and 5! We will have more info next week.
By T

Thursday, April 9, 2009


  1. tell them how you feel they may like you to.
  2. talk to them once then don't talk to them until they approach you.
  3. make sure that both of your parents know.
  4. don't let parents interfere.

Adam Lambert
Hot Or Not
Totally hot! If you think not your crazy. On the 2nd to last American Idol, thier was a huge riot because millions of people recorded it but it overided Adam's preformance! So in our appinion Adams hot to most Americans. To us Adams the new Elvis except, well, punk and alot more singing ability.